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Bell Schedule
9:00am - 3:30pm
Early Dismissal Every Wednesday:1:30pmAddress
1020 McLean Road,
Mount Vernon, WA 98273Contact
Principal: Stephanie Jones-Flores
Secretary: Connie Espinoza
Phone: 360-428-6122
Fax: 360-428-6162Programs & Resources
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- Transcripts / Student Records
Washington Elementary School was first built in 1905 as a two-story wood frame building housing grades 1-8. The first section of the current building was constructed in 1950, with additions in 1953 and 1960. A total modernization and addition happened in 1983, with a further remodel in 1996. The school is located in West Mount Vernon, close to the Skagit River and to beautiful farmland filled with tulips and other crops unique to our valley.
Washington is a school community focused on learning and working together with the support of our children's families. We invite you to become a part of our school—by joining our activeParent Group,attending your child's conferences, volunteering in classrooms, participating in field trips, or helping with our many school activities.
Students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities including: Band, Orchestra, Student Council, Lego Robotics & other extra-curricular activities. Continue to check our Website for updated information on the activities that are available.
Enrollment:335 students
- Schools
Mount Vernon School District
124 E. Lawrence St., Mount Vernon, WA 98273 | 360-428-6110Mount Vernon High School
314 N. 9th St., Mount Vernon, WA 98273 | 360-428-6100LaVenture Middle School
1200 N. LaVenture Rd., Mount Vernon, WA 98273 | 360-428-6116Mount Baker Middle School
2310 E. Section St., Mount Vernon, WA 98274 | 360-428-6127Centennial Elementary School
3100 Martin Rd., Mount Vernon, WA 98273 | 360-428-6138Harriet Rowley Elementary School
400 53rd St., Mount Vernon, WA 98273 | 360-428-6199Little Mountain Elementary School
1514 S. LaVenture Rd., Mount Vernon, WA 98274 | 360-428-6125Madison Elementary School
907 E Fir St., Mount Vernon, WA 98273 | 360-428-6131Jefferson Elementary School
1801 E. Blackburn Rd., Mount Vernon, WA 98274 | 360-428-6128Washington Elementary School
1020 McLean Rd., Mount Vernon, WA 98273 | 360-428-6122Northwest Career & Technical Academy
2205 West Campus Pl. Mount Vernon, WA 98273 | 360-848-0706Skagit Academy
2001 Cleveland Ave., Mount Vernon, WA 98273 | 360-428-6206Aspire Academy
3302 Cedardale Rd., #B300, Mount Vernon, WA 98274 | 360-428-6216 - Directory
Name (Last, First) Email Phone AGUIRRE, JORGE JAGUIRRE@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 ALEXANDER, JACKLYN JALEXANDER@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 AMMONS, TIFFANY TAMMONS@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 ANDERSON, CAROLYN CANDERSON@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 ANDERSON, JAMIE jamieanderson@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 ARMEY, JESSICA JARMEY@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 BARBER, CAROLYN CBARBER@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 BASART, LAURA LBASART@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 BERRY, AMY ABERRY@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 BESSETT, CAMERON CBESSETT@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 BONAGOFSKY, MELISSA MBONAGOFSKY@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 BOWERS, KYRA KBOWERS@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 BRANDT, ALEXA ABRANDT@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 BRUNO ROMERO, CERELINA CBRUNOROMERO@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 BURTON, MOLLIE MBURTON@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 CARDONA-ARCE, MARICELLA MARCE@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 CARPENTER, SARAH SARAHCARPENTER@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 CARPENTER, TRACY TCARPENTER@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 CHECKETTS, EMILY ECHECKETTS@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 CONNORS, JENNIFER JCONNORS@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 DABBS, TONY TDABBS@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 DAVYDIUK, NATALIIA NDAVYDIUK@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 DEISHER STRATMAN, AMY ADEISHERSTRATMAN@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 DRAKE, SAKURA SDRAKE@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 ENGLUND, MANDY MENGLUND@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 ESPINOZA, CONSUELO CESPINOZA@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 EVANS, ALICIA AEVANS@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 GAINZA, AMY AGAINZA@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 GASSOWAY, FREEDOM FGASSOWAY@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 GATES, MALINDA MGATES@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 GIPSON, KELSEY KGIPSON@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 GONZALES, PERRIE PGONZALES@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 HATFIELD, BROOK BHATFIELD@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 HEPBURN, MICHAEL MHEPBURN@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 HIATT, MAKENNA MHIATT@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 HOWARD, LAURA LHOWARD@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 JONES-FLORES, STEPHANIE SFLORES@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 JORDAN, MICHAELA MJORDAN@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 KOK, NATHANIEL NKOK@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 KOOPMANS, KELSEY KKOOPMANS@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 LARSEN-COOPER, SARA SCOOPER@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 LAVIOLETTE, CHRISTOPHER CLAVIOLETTE@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 LEONHARDT, ERIN ELEONHARDT@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 LIPPERT, JAMES JLIPPERT@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 LOPEZ MERINO, ANA ALOPEZMERINO@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 LOVE, JENNETTE JLOVE@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 LOY, BAILEY BLOY@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 LUDWIG, MALLOREE MLUDWIG@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 MACIAS BECERRA, BERENICE BMACIASBECERRA@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 MARTINEZ, KANDACE KMARTINEZ@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 MARTINEZ-ZARATE, LAURA LZARATE@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 MAYER, DAWN DMAYER@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 MAYFIELD, GINA GMAYFIELD@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 MCALLISTER, KELLY KMCALLISTER@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 MONSON, LISA LMONSON@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 MORRISS, HEATHER HMORRISS@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 NAVAS, MARIA MNAVAS@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 RODRIGUEZ, AMANDA AMANDARODRIGUEZ@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 RUBIO, JENNIFER JRUBIO@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 RUBIO SANCHEZ, ANDREA ARUBIOSANCHEZ@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 RUSTEMEYER, PETER PRUSTEMEYER@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 SAGER, ADAM ASAGER@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 SCHWITTER, KEVIN KSCHWITTER@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 SCOTT, JORDYNN JORDYNNSCOTT@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 SEARS, JACQUELYNE JSEARS@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 SERVOSS, SHAWN SSERVOSS@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 SOTO MARTINEZ, ESPERANZA ESOTOMARTINEZ@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 STEINBACH, LEANNE LSTEINBACH@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 STEVENS, SALLY SSTEVENS@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 STOLLBERG, JENNA JSTOLLBERG@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 STRONG, EVANGELIA ESTRONG@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 TARANGO, ADRIANA ATARANGO@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 TERWILLIGER, NICHOLE NTERWILLIGER@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 THRAMER, CHERYL CTHRAMER@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 VEREIDE, BRITTANY BVEREIDE@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 Webmaster, Admin admin@mvsd320.org Webmaster, Tim tim@mvsd320.org WIEBE-WRIGHT, PATIA PWRIGHT@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 WILSON, JEANINE JEANINEWILSON@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 ZAMORANO BELTRAN, FLOR FZAMORANOBELTRAN@mvsd320.org 360-428-6122 Staff Search
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Article information
Author: Kelle Weber
Last Updated:
Views: 6248
Rating: 4.2 / 5 (53 voted)
Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful
Author information
Name: Kelle Weber
Birthday: 2000-08-05
Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988
Phone: +8215934114615
Job: Hospitality Director
Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball
Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.