War - marilaw - Star Wars (2024)

Chapter Text

The Jedi Temple, Coruscant, The Core — 22 BBY

Ainyam walked up the stairs to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant in the early morning, while it was still dark. She shivered as a slight breeze danced around her, and she pulled the hood of her robes tightly around her head. Not even a faint ray of the sun could be seen peeking over the horizon yet. Regardless of the time of day, Coruscant was awake, and so much so that Ainyam had shades installed on her windows and balcony door to block out the light at night. She needed sleep, but the city planet did not.

As she approached, the Temple guards at their posts bowed as they recognized the Jedi duch*ess. Once inside, she pulled her hood off and inspected her surroundings. The rear entrance of the Temple wasn’t as open and grand compared to the main entrance. The meditation chapel and Room of 1000 Fountains greeted her instead of the expansive Main Hall, but it all felt the same. The Temple was quiet, peaceful as the majority of the Jedi slept. There was a reverent feeling, and in the stillness, the Force ebbed and flowed, encompassing her in its warm waters. This was home. This is where she felt the most safe.

Ainyam took the turbo lifts to the dormitories, silently treading the still halls until she found the door she was looking for. She paused for a moment, making sure no one was around, then rapped on the door.

On the other side she heard a grunt and a crash followed by a curse. Ainyam rolled her eyes and checked again for any lurkers before the door slid open to reveal a very sleepy and shirtless Anakin Skywalker.

Ainyam’s jaw dropped slightly as all coherent thoughts fled her mind. He was lean but all muscle. She could actually count his pecs as her eyes followed them down to the…why were his sleep pants sitting so low on his hips? Her eyes snapped up to his face, and she could feel her face growing hot. Sure, she had seen half-naked men before, but this was different. This was Anakin. And while she had tried so very hard not to think about him in this state, she felt as if a fantasy had come true. Ainyam could not help to think about how muscular he truly was underneath his Jedi robes thanks to years of grueling, physical training. Ainyam vaguely wondered what it would be like to be caught up in his arms, pressed tightly—

Anakin cursed and the door slid shut. A crashing sound from the otherside of the door broke Ainyam from her daze. She shook her head and took in a deep breath as she tried to calm her racing heart. Maybe she should stop reading all those romance holonovels.

The door slid open again, and Anakin appeared once again but with a shirt on. His face was flushed as he adjusted it. The material appeared slightly sheer and there was a deep V at the neck. Ainyam tried reciting the Jedi tenets in her head to distract herself, but the image of shirtless Anakin was forever burned on her mind.

“Milady duch*ess,” Anakin bowed awkwardly, then ran a hand through his hair. “Do you have any idea what time it is?”

Ainyam cleared her throat. “You wanted to duel, and this is the only time I’ll be in the Temple today. See you in the training room.”

Ainyam spun on her heel and hastened down the hallway before Anakin had a chance to protest, mentally patting herself on the back for keeping it together. Once she was sure she was out of Anakin’s field of view, she darted towards the turbo lifts to take to the training rooms. Once safely cocooned in the lift, she leaned against the wall taking deep breaths. She chastised herself for losing her focus. She was a fully-trained Jedi Knight.

But, she thought as she exited the turbo lift. I am also human.

Ainyam was not stupid when it came to the carnal affairs of other Jedi or the Senators. Attachment may be forbidden, but that didn’t mean the Jedi had to be celibate. Despite Advisor Truen’s attempts to shield her from any forms of media that involved sexual activity, Ainyam found herself reading more romance holonovels in her spare time out of curiosity. The passion captivated her. These feelings were described in heavy detail, but they were never something she could relate to. Until now.

Ainyam entered her favored training room, discarding her robe on a nearby bench. This particular training room built in obstacle courses that could be programmed on the console at the far end of the room. Training droids were also available if she was by herself and needed a partner.

She pushed her thoughts of sexual relationships aside and focused on the warm up. She went to the middle of the room and began a series of stretches, waking up her muscles from their slumber. Ainyam had found great benefit in training early in the morning and in the early evening. The early morning was invigorating, waking both body and mind. After a couple of hours of sweat-induced physical workouts, she was ready to face the day. In the evenings, she would either meditate, workout, or both. It depended on how her day went with the Senate. The harder her day, the harder she worked out.

Sufficiently warmed up, Ainyam checked the chronos, noting she had been in the Temple for nearly an hour. She would have been in the middle of her training exercises by this point. She watched the door, her arms folded across her chest and her foot tapping, as she waited for her sleepy friend. Ten minutes later, Anakin stumbled in.

“Good morning, sunshine!” She said cheerfully. Anakin glared at her as he adjusted his tunic and belt.

“It’s too early for this, Ainyam,” Anakin grumbled as he tried to stifle a yawn.

“You’re the one who asked for this,” Ainyam said, shrugging her shoulders. “I believe your exact words were, ‘Milady duch*ess, I challenge you to a round of sparring so that I may be graced with your brilliant lightsaber skills.’"

“I did not say that,” he said indignantly as he stretched.

“No, that last part was me.” Ainyam grinned. “Regardless, the only times I’m at the Temple training are early mornings and evenings. Since I am leaving for Kamino after the knighting ceremony, I had no choice but to wake you up before the sun.”

Ainyam watched Anakin stiffen at the mention of the knighting ceremony. Many Padawans, including Anakin, were being knighted but not in the traditional sense. With the clone troopers deployed to different parts of the galaxy and the Separatists invading Republic planets, the need for Jedi generals was great. Chancellor Sheev Palpatine even wanted to present a bill, which Ainyam had tried to block, that would allow Padawans to be commanders, second-in-command to their masters.

“The Jedi are not soldiers, Chancellor!” She had all but yelled at the older man sitting at his desk. “You cannot ask us to lead this army!”

“Who else can lead, Milady?” The chancellor had asked mildly. “I think it’s a great way to show the Jedi’s commitment to protecting the Republic.”

“But we are peacekeepers,” she had insisted. “We draw our lightsaber in defense, not offense. I cannot support this bill.”

“With all due respect, Milady, this bill does not need your support. Your ruling has everything to do with your training and nothing to do with the constitution, and the Senate’s vote to grant me emergency powers allows me to make this move without a vote,” the Chancellor had said sharply. “The Jedi will lead this clone army.”

Ainyam had taken a step back in surprise. She had felt something waver in the Force, surrounding the chancellor. But it was fleeting, and she didn’t have the chance to dwell on it.

Palpatine’s face softened. “You have been under a great deal of stress as of late, Milady. Please, take this time to rest.”

“Of course, Chancellor,” she had responded stiffly, then bowed before she left his office.

And now here they were, knighting Padawans who may or may not be ready so that they could lead an army.

Ainyam continued to watch Anakin as he woke himself up with a series of stretches. The last time she had seen him, she was trying to placate him in the medical wing of the Temple before she left for Naboo. An infection had entered his bloodstream, and the medical staff advised him against any traveling until it was gone. He had made quite the mess in such a small space. Hoping to calm him down, she promised to take him to Naboo to visit Padmé’s tomb as long as he promised to listen to the medical staff. His demeanor changed quickly. After a minute he agreed, and he also made her promise him a few rounds of lightsaber sparring.

That was a couple of weeks ago. Ainyam had been bogged down with work ever since their last encounter. But in reality she was avoiding Anakin. Ainyam blamed herself for Padmé’s death, and she was sure Anakin did, too. Even now she could sense his pain and anger, simmering just below the surface of carefully crafted emotions. The pain of Padmé’s death was still eating at him as well as Ainyam. There were nights that Ainyam would lay in her bed and cry, regretting every decision she made that led up to that horrible moment. Other days she was thankful that Padmé was not around to see the Republic at war and democracy in danger of failing. She had been imbalanced and unfocused since that fateful day.

“I’m ready whenever you are, Milady duch*ess,” Anakin said as he drew his lightsaber .

Ainyam rolled her shoulders back and drew her lightsaber. It hissed to life, and she spun it around as she balanced herself. Before her, Anakin did the same. They regarded each other for a moment, and then they sprung into action.

Their cobalt blue blades crashed against one another as Ainyam and Anakin danced around the dojo. They each utilized a specific form: Anakin bounced between the two variants of Form V while Ainyam was proficient in all forms, except for Form VII and Vaapad, but she relied heavily on Form IV and its acrobatic ability. Even though Ainyam was no longer a Padawan, most of her evening training was devoted to mastering Vaapad under the watchful eye of Master Windu.

As they continued to duel, Ainyam could feel her focus waning as Anakin forced her into a defensive position. Without proper balance, she struggled against him. With each clash of their lightsabers, her mind flashed back to Naboo as she deflected each bolt from the bounty hunter as Padmé lay dying on the stone. All her fear and anger had pushed her to a near state of frenzy as she rushed the bounty hunter. She had opened herself freely without thought, her focus on only one thing: revenge. It was only when the bounty hunter reminded her that she was a Jedi that she snapped out of her rage-fueled daze.

And then Anakin had appeared. She remembered the rage that rolled off of him when he found Padmé dead in her arms. He had lashed out, destroying anything and everything. Even now Ainyam could sense that same anger. She zeroed in on it, her focus sharpening as she pushed back against him.

As they fought, Ainyam threw all of her anger and pain into each swing and each block. This was all her fault. The choices she made killed Padmé. If only she had listened to the Council and had stayed with Obi-Wan. Padmé would be alive, and Anakin would not hate her.


She was no longer in the Temple. She was surrounded by darkness as surged forward, throwing all emotion into her attacks. Anakin’s body buckled underneath Ainyam’s blade. Ainyam shoved him off and as he stumbled back, she drove her blade into his chest.

Ainyam gasped as she watched his head drop down in horror, but when he raised his head it wasn’t Anakin she saw.

It was herself.

“Ainyam! Stop !”

Ainyam gasped. She was back in the Temple again. Anakin was several feet in front of her, his eyes wide. There were no burn marks, no holes in his chest where her lightsaber had penetrated.

Completely spent, Ainyam fell to her hands and knees, her lightsaber deactivated on the floor next to her as she struggled to catch her breath. She felt a hand on her shoulder.


She heard Anakin kneel down in front of her as she sat back on her knees. Ainyam looked at him and saw the panic in his face.

“What happened?” He asked tentatively.


“Milady duch*ess!”

Both Ainyam and Anakin looked up and saw an alarmed Master Mace Windu rushing into the dojo. He knelt down in front of Ainyam as Anakin stood up and moved out of the way. Master Windu gave her a once over, as if he were looking for signs of any injuries.


“Are you hurt?” He asked, searching her face. “What happened? I felt a surge in the Force.”

“I—I’m sorry, Master,” Ainyam said. “I lost myself momentarily, but I’m okay now.”

She glanced up at Anakin then looked back at Master Windu. He was frowning.

“Really, Master,” she laughed, albeit it was a bit shaky. “Anakin and I were sparring. I thought I’d try Vaapad, but I failed, and I lost myself. Anakin brought me back.”

It was partly a lie, but Ainyam knew that Master Windu saw through it. Instead of rebuking her, he helped her to her feet. She felt Anakin grip her other arm to steady her as she found her bearings. She turned to thank him, but the words were stuck in her throat. He looked scared, not for himself but for her. His eyes darted all over her face as if he was trying to get some kind of read on her.

“Skywalker, escort Milady duch*ess home,” Master Windu ordered.

Ainyam sighed as Anakin led her out. Today was going to be a long day.

* * *

Ainyam shivered as she rushed out of her refresher where Roscari had laid out a beautiful midnight blue A-line-style dress that gently flared as it reached the floor with her customary long slit at the right leg. A silver belt wrapped around her waist, and held together with a midnight blue clasp. The rest of the belt fell gently down the front. The dress was strapless, however there was a gossamer cape that attached to a collar around her throat, but left her shoulders bare. Around the bust was embroidered silver jewels that shone in the light.

Ainyam quickly dressed hoping the dress would provide some warmth. Her shower had been cold, but needed. She had worked up a great deal of sweat during this morning's duel with Anakin. Normally these sessions left her feeling invigorated and ready to take on the day. Instead she felt empty. Alone.

She missed Padmé.

But what happened during the duel was a symptom of a far worse thing. The anxieties she felt with the decisions she made, her grief over Padmé’s death and the beginning of the war, and now her feelings for Anakin were slowly taking over her life. If she was not careful, they could destroy her.

This is why attachments are forbidden .

Ainyam went to sit at her vanity table and selected matching jewelry. She chose a pair of silver drop earrings with a blue jewel at the end, the same shade as her dress. There also were several silver bangles. And then sitting in the middle atop a pillow was her golden diadem with the rose-gold jewel in the center.

Ainyam stared at it as she absentmindedly began putting on her jewelry. This diadem has been in her family for over a thousand years, and was passed down from one Lawkeeper to the next. It was more of a statement piece, representing the status of her family. For years she wore it with pride. Now, it represented her failure.

A knock at her door snapped her out of her thoughts. Roscari entered carrying a silver hair piece and a datapad.

“Good morning, Milady duch*ess!”

Ainyam smiled in the mirror as the Twi’lek appeared behind her. Roscari was dressed in the same shade of midnight blue as Ainyam with silver bands wrapped around her Lekku. Roscari had taken it upon herself to dress herself in similar colors to whatever Ainyam was wearing so she could be easily spotted by other Republic staff. Ainyam wasn’t sure what intricate updo Roscari was ready to experiment with today, she just knew there was no way she could do it herself.

She shoved her self-concern aside and answered pleasantly.

“Good morning, Roscari.”

Roscari placed the hair piece on the table and the data pad in front of Ainyam. She ran her fingers through Ainyam’s long dark hair, separating it into strands for a braid.

Ainyam had always kept minimal staff before Truen’s death, and she never needed extra help when she wore a hood during public duties. However, now that the entire Galaxy knew her identity, she’d been pressured to step up her appearance. Rather than take on more handmaidens, however, she had attempted to do it herself.

Roscari had walked into her office during her first attempt. Ainyam had spent three times longer than she’d allotted to place a headpiece on properly, and had been running extremely late. She was about to give up and throw on an old hood when Roscari rushed to her aid and whipped up an acceptable look in minutes. Every day since, Roscari helped her finish her ensemble and then, if there was extra time, they would experiment together on styles that Ainyam might be able to do on her own for occasions when her faithful aide might be occupied.

“I trust your exercises went well?” Roscari asked.

“They were…invigorating,” she said.

“And much needed, Milady duch*ess, I assume. You’ll find today’s agenda is ready for you on the datapad.”

Ainyam pressed a button on the datapad and a holographic image appeared in front of her. There was not a lot to do today in preparation for her upcoming week-long trip to Kamino. The biggest item was the Knighting Ceremony at the Temple. Ainyam and the Chancellor had been invited to give a few words of encouragement to the newly knighted Jedi.

Roscari finished her hair off with the silver hair piece, a series of intricate braids wrapped around one another with the hair piece holding them in place against the back of her head. They turned to makeup next. Roscari gave her eyeshadow matching the color of her dress and black liner across the lash line of her eye lid. She then curled her eyelashes, applied a light blush, and finished off with dark red lip stain. While Ainyam was more than capable of putting on her own makeup, she had been doing so since she was 15 years old, Roscari was insistent. One of the young Twi’lek’s interests was in Galactic fashion and beauty, and she didn’t often get the chance to coordinate looks of her own. Her enthusiasm was impossible for Ainyam to deny.

Ainyam glanced at herself briefly in the mirror once Roscari was finished. She reached out and put her diadem across her brow, the rose-gold jewel sitting between her eyebrows.

The duch*ess was ready.

* * *

A few hours later, Ainyam was deep into a law discrepancy inspection when the guard outside her office appeared on a small holo on her desk.

“Milady duch*ess, the Chancellor–”

The door to her office slid open and the Supreme Chancellor Palpatine swept in, followed by the Speaker of the House Mas Amedda. Both seemed to be agitated.

“--would like to see you.”

“Yes, thank you,” Ainyam co*cked an eyebrow at the Chancellor as the holoimage disappeared.

“Chancellor, I was not expecting you until the Ceremony,” Ainyam said as she stood up. Palpatine shook his head as he approached her desk and sat across from her.

“Please forgive the intrusion, Milady duch*ess,” Palpatine said, a little out of breath. “But I needed to inform you immediately and in person. Cato Neimoidia has been attacked.”

* * *

Anakin, along with several Jedi Padawans, stood under the Great Tree in the courtyard of the Temple. Master Mace Windu was giving a lecture on their new knighthood, and what was expected of them. Nearby stood his former master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, newly appointed to the Jedi Council, though temporarily.

Anakin still struggled with the fact that Master Windu, the man who seemed to turn his nose at everything Anakin did, was his closest friend’s master. She was quite the opposite. Ainyam smiled easily. She was warm, friendly. Just being around her calmed his nerves, like he could really be the biggest screwup in the Galaxy and she’d still be at his side. Master Windu sent chills through his veins. No matter how hard he worked or how strong he became, Windu would always find a reason to find failure within him.

Anakin’s gaze swept around, looking for Ainyam. Neither she or the Chancellor were present, but they were supposed to be. He tried his best to conceal his disappointment as Master Windu continued to drone on. Secretly, he was excited that Ainyam would see him knighted. Then, they’d finally be peers. It was more about his pride than anything. He already knew Ainyam didn’t see him as anything less than an equal. She saw him as himself, as Anakin, no ranks involved. Even after what happened that night on Tatooine, she still treated him with kindness and respect. Anakin partially regretted keeping his secret from her… all the sand people he killed, and all the rage he’d felt that night his mother died. Even though Ainyam was his closest friend, she was still a Jedi. The Jedi would have not understood his pain.

Padmé would have understood. She would have listened. Empathized. She’d always empathized.

Thinking about her nearly broke his stoic stance amongst his peers. He missed her terribly. In his dreams, he either relived the moment he saw her, lifeless in Ainyam’s arms, or of an alternative reality where they fought the bounty hunters off together, and she didn’t die at all. What would have happened if Padmé hadn’t left his side to find Ainyam? What would have happened if Ainyam had never come to the lake house in the first place? He felt a flash of hot, searing anger course through him. Ainyam should have never come to Naboo. Padmé would still be alive if she did.

Just as quickly as the anger appeared, it was gone. Shame replaced it. Anakin knew that Ainyam was just as in much pain as he was. Padmé had been her best friend. She blamed herself enough.

Master Windu concluded his speech and he made his way over to where Master Yoda stood. Anakin glanced at Obi-Wan, who appeared to be rather flustered, something Anakin rarely saw with him. For a moment only the sound of a gentle breeze rustling the leaves of the Great Tree could be heard before Obi-Wan cleared his throat.

“Uh, it appears that our guests are late. I’m certain they will be here soon—”

A shrill chirp echoed throughout the courtyard. Master Yoda waved a hand at the control panel for the holocommunications, and a hologram of both Chancellor Palpatine and the Grand duch*ess appeared before them.

“Master Yoda. Master Windu. Please forgive the duch*ess and myself, but we bring urgent news that is sure to impact the war effort. Cato Neimoidia has been attacked.”

The air shifted with the emotions of the attendees.

“Padawans, younglings,” Master Yoda said. “This discussion you do not need. To your studies, you should go.”

Anakin took a step out of reflex when he felt a hand on his shoulder and saw Obi-Wan.

“You're a Jedi Knight now, remember?” he said.

Anakin studied Ainyam as he moved closer to her holoimage. This was the first time he was seeing her in her official capacity. Yes, he was with her on Alderaan, but at the time, though he had a hunch, he wasn’t sure that Ainyam and the Grand duch*ess were one and the same. She stood tall next to the Chancellor with her hands folded in front. She looked beautiful today, but she always looked beautiful. Ainyam and Padmé nearly matched in beauty and grace, however Anakin always had…feelings for Padmé. She made him–she had made him–forget his words and place. But Ainyam reminded him of both, anchoring him to what he knew he needed to be. She was his friend, a Jedi and a duch*ess. Anakin stood a little taller when she looked at him. Her face seemed to soften slightly as she gave him a small smile.

His thoughts suddenly took him back to early this morning. He had never seen her so flustered, nor had he ever seen her lose control. Her sudden turn in the dojo had scared him. She was angry. He had initially struggled to keep up with her. Just as he gained his footing he was able to side step her as she went in for a fatal blow. A darkness has covered her, and he had called to her many times. He didn’t know if he had broken through, or if the darkness had disappeared on its own. He’d never seen her like that before.

Except for the day that Padmé died. He’d felt her darkness then, minutes before he found Padmé in her arms.

“Attacked?” Master Windu’s voice interrupted his thoughts. “How? By whom?”

“Intelligence is still coming in, but a bombing has been confirmed,” the duch*ess answered. “Early reports show that the scope of damage is larger than Cato Neimoidia has ever seen. A catastrophe beyond–”

Ainyam was interrupted as a clone commander entered the image. “I’m sorry to interrupt, Milady duch*ess, Chancellor.” Both dignitaries nodded. “It appears that an entire segment of Zarra, the capital city, has completely collapsed.”

* * *

Ainyam took a sharp breath at the commander’s report. Every report that was coming in was worse than the last.

“And the death toll?” Ainyam asked, dreading the answer.

“Early reports put it at four thousand, but that’s only based on the daily traffic,” the commander answered. “The bridge held many important political targets, however it also housed an arts district. I’m afraid, Milady duch*ess, the civilian casualty toll is high.”

“Thank you, commander,” Palpatine said.

Ainyam resisted the urge to rub her head as she felt a headache incoming.

“The Trade Federation and Cato Neimoidia are neutral,” Ainyam said. “This attack is illogical.”

“Has Senator Dod been informed?” asked Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Ainyam spared a glance at her other friend as Palpatine confirmed. Obi-Wan appeared calm, but slightly flustered. Anakin had told her that he had been temporarily appointed to the Jedi Council. Ainyam wasn’t surprised that the Council made that decision. Obi-Wan seemed to have a handle on diplomacy and negotiating. His tendency to follow rules fit right along with the rest on the council.

As she listened to the Jedi deliberate, Ainyam turned her attention back to Anakin in the corner of the image, his brow furrowed. She could sense his anger all the way from the Executive Building where she was with Palpatine.

“A Separatist trick.”

Everyone turned their attention to Anakin. He looked up at Ainyam. “A ploy to gain sympathies. The Neimoidians are unscrupulous cowards.”

It wasn’t very often that Ainyam found herself thankful for the intense training she received for most of her life. Master Windu taught her how to control her emotions and Advisor Truen taught her how to control her face, even with a mask. Today was one of those moments. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Roscari pursing her lips together.

“That seems counterproductive, even for Nute Gunray,” Master Windu countered, glaring at Anakin. Ainyam could feel the weight of that glare all the way in her office. She was thankful that she was not on the receiving end this time. Ainyam couldn’t even remember the last time Master Windu had sent her such a scathing look that reduced her to nothing but ashes at his feet. In fact, one time that did come to mind was ten years before, after the battle of Naboo. She had nearly been expelled from the Jedi Order for such blatant disobedience.

As the Jedi continued to argue, Mas Amedda leaned over towards Palpatine and Ainyam.

“Count Dooku has appeared on the holonet, Your Graces.”

Ainyam nodded as Palpatine passed the message onto the Jedi and an image of the Count appeared before him.

His message was simple but damning. Not only does he claim that the Separatists were not involved, but he accused the Republic of planning the attack, as Nute Gunray of the Trade Federation was a part of the CIS. He then invited the Republic to explain themselves.

“For the Republic to truly be open to discussion of such a catastrophic event, it seems only right that either the Chancellor himself or the Milady duch*ess go to Cato Neimoidia.”

This time Ainyam could not hold back her reaction as her eyes widened in shock. Next to her Palpatine took in a sharp breath.

Of course Dooku would ask such a thing in the name of transparency before he disappeared. Ainyam sorted through the logistics in her mind. It made sense for her to go. As a Jedi, she was a peacekeeper, an investigator. As the Grand duch*ess, she was the law keeper, a high diplomatic official. But getting her to Cato Neimoidia would be a logistical nightmare. With the outbreak of war, she wouldn’t be able to leave Coruscant without some kind of armed guard, whether it be clone troopers, Jedi, or both. Even if she wanted to go by herself, both Master Windu and the Chancellor would not allow it.

Ainyam turned her attention back to the current conversation. She realized they were talking about her without asking for her opinion and found herself growing frustrated.

“Gentlemen, I am standing right here, and I am more than capable of speaking for myself,” Ainyam’s voice rang sharper than she had intended. The conversation stopped and all, including the Chancellor, bowed. She spared a quick glance at the holoimage of Anakin who had a rather surprised look on his face. Ainyam supposed he wasn’t used to the voice that she uses to bring order to debates in the Senate Arena. “Thank you. I don’t think either of us should go.”

“I agree with Milady duch*ess,” Obi-Wan quickly said. “It’s a trap. If the chancellor or Milady duch*ess were to arrive with troops, Jedi, and a fleet, at best it would heighten tensions. At worst, it could lead to violence. Regardless, leaving them both vulnerable to sabotage.”

Ainyam nodded in agreement, however Palpatine just shook his head. “I must take this risk. I will do anything to put a swift end to this war.”

Ainyam felt herself rustle at Palpatine’s use of “I” as opposed to “we.” Ever since her trial in the Senate, Ainyam had been working hard to prove to the galaxy that she had the Republic’s best interest at heart and would fight to protect democracy. And yet Palpatine was still holding her back with just a simple sentence.

“A lone Jedi with a small crew,” Obi-Wan countered. “It would be a show of good faith from the Republic. A Jedi has training to uncover the truth, to make decisions and move quickly, and the authority to represent the Republic. We are peacekeepers.”

Palpatine contemplated so Ainyam took her chance.

“It would take us at least a day to prepare for our departure," Ainyam said to Palpatine. "At least give Master Kenobi a day to conceive and present a plan of action before either of us commit to the risk."

Palpatine nodded. “While I am not convinced this would work to send a Jedi in our stead, if Master Kenobi can convince the government from Cato Neimoidia and the Trade Federation before then, then we shall concede to you.”

“One day,” Obi-Wan nodded.

Ainyam let out a small breath of relief. While she and the Chancellor held different opinions on Obi-Wan’s suggestion, she still needed to sort out her diplomatic visit to Kamino. Mas Amedda once more leaned over, but this time spoke softly to the Chancellor before signing off with the Jedi.

“Do you believe Master Kenobi is capable, Milady duch*ess?” The chancellor asked once the holographic images of the Jedi disappeared.

“I have known Master Kenobi for 10 years, Chancellor,” Ainyam said matter-of-factly. “I have the utmost confidence in him.”

Palpatine nodded, a thoughtful look on his face. “But what of your visit to the clone facility on Kamino? You cannot possibly go to Cato Neimoidia when you are already expected on Kamino.”

“I will contact Prime Minister Lamu Su personally and explain that I will have to postpone my visit by a few days,” Ainyam said. “And as an act of goodwill, I believe we should provide a joint statement of our solidarity with the Neimoidians and assure the Galaxy that we are doing everything we can to solve this mystery.”

“Very good idea, Milady,” Palpatine said as he moved to the door of her office. “I will have one drafted then sent to you before we make it public.”

War - marilaw - Star Wars (2024)


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Skellig Michael has risen to dramatic prominence due to its starring role as Luke Skywalker's Island Sanctuary on the planet Ahch-To in both Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens and Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi.

Why did Clovis try to kiss Padmé? ›

Before the Clone Wars, Clovis was a very skilled young politician, entering the Galactic Senate at the same time as the former Queen of Naboo, Padmé Amidala. They became close, with Clovis gaining feelings for her. He kissed her after their Mid Rim Cooperation Movement succeeded, which horrified Amidala.

Why does Anakin hate Clovis? ›

Back on Coruscant, Clovis -- known traitor of the Republic -- makes a dubious deal which puts him at the head of the Banking Clan. Anakin's increasing distrust and hatred of Clovis strains his relationship with Padmé to the breaking point.

Who was the female Jedi who became Sith? ›

Tahiri Veila, a Force-sensitive Human female, was a Jedi Knight of the New Jedi Order. During the Second Galactic Civil War, Veila became the Sith apprentice of Darth Caedus, the Dark Lord of the Sith who seduced her to the dark side of the Force.

What is Rey's full name in Star Wars? ›

Masters. Rey Skywalker, known only as Rey throughout the First Order-Resistance War, was a Force-sensitive human female Jedi who fought on the side of the Resistance during the war. A former scavenger from the planet Jakku, her life was changed by the tumultuous events of the last days of the New Republic Era.

Are there any female sith? ›

They then attacked the Empire after the Sith–Imperial War and ruled the galaxy. Some female Sith such as Lumiya, Tahiri Veila, Olaris Rhea, and Vestara Khai were styled Sith Lady rather than "Sith Lord."

Is Moff Gideon dead? ›

Moff Gideon sought to conquer the galaxy for himself and intended on defying the Shadow Council and the absent Grand Admiral Thrawn, but met his demise by the Mandalorians who returned to Mandalore.

Why do Mandalorians hate Jedi? ›

Some Mandalorians, most notably members of Death Watch, held a grudge against the Jedi for their perceived crimes against Mandalore during the Mandalorian-Jedi War. During the Clone Wars, anti-Jedi sentiment further developed in a segment of the galaxy's public opinion.

Is there any Mandalorian Jedi? ›

Tarre Vizsla was a Force-sensitive human male who, was inducted into the Jedi Order around 1050 BBY, becoming the first Mandalorian to do so. Tarre eventually became a famous Jedi Knight.

Who were Rey's parents? ›

In the Star Wars films, Rey's parents are revealed to be Dathan and Miramir. This information is not directly shown in "The Last Jedi" but appears in the canon novel Star Wars: Shadow of the Sith by Adam Christopher, released in 2022.

Which dog breed was the inspiration for Chewbacca? ›

Trending: Star Wars Day The Wookie character Chewbacca was inspired by George Lucas' dog, an Alaskan Malamute. Chewbacca's name is derived from the Russian word sobaka (собака), which means "dog." Derived by a more profound understanding of the fictional Wookie people's culture.

Where did Anakin and Padme get married in real life? ›

Villa Balbianello – Lake Como, Italy

Located near George Clooney's mansion, this villa had a brief feature in 007 Casino Royale. Its most famous on-screen moment was certainly Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker's secret wedding in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones.

Who killed Fisto? ›

Fisto eventually met his end when Sidious, the very man he had "protected" a few days before, cleaved into his stomach with his lightsaber.

Who killed saw Gerrera? ›

He passes along Galen's message and watches it with Jyn, learning about a weakness in the Death Star. Meanwhile, the Death Star fires on Jedha City; while Jyn and her rebel companions escape, Gerrera chooses to stay and is killed when his hideout is annihilated in the wake of the blast.

Who killed the Geonosians? ›

On Tarkin's order, the Imperials used Imperial gas canisters to spread toxic insecticide. The attack destroyed all but one of the planet's population of approximately 100 billion, resulting in the largest genocide ever committed by the Empire.

Who killed General Krell? ›

Krell's life was ended by Dogma, the clone who had been his most loyal soldier, who unexpectedly shot the former Jedi General in the back due to his anger over Krell's betrayal.


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